Recent content by gb9

  1. G

    The Covid CANCER Shot!

    none of that was a surprise, because those of us who did not fall under the covid spell figured out early on that they were just throwing stuff out there...
  2. G

    Waffles, or Pancakes?

    for me, pancakes, by a slim margin, like 52% to 48%.
  3. G

    12,000 Baptized

    that is awesome! need more of it....
  4. G

    Did man land on the moon?

    i have come to the conclusion that the moon landings were fake. unmanned space craft to the moon? probably. manned space craft to the moon? no
  5. G

    Occult stuff.

    good take.
  6. G

    North Korea Sends Excrement Balloons Over South Korea

    yet. not yet. as far as the future, well,........
  7. G

    Hello everyone! :)

    hello and welcome!! God bless you!!
  8. G

    Should Christians hate Communism?

    some of the Pilgrims almost starved to death the first winter here, and that was the end of communism for them...
  9. G

    Could Trump do anything to make you stop supporting him?

    I mean, king charles recently revealed a portrait of himself done in blood red, complete with demonic images, but trump, stormy , michael cohen, that is the BAD stuff...:rolleyes::rolleyes:
  10. G

    Could Trump do anything to make you stop supporting him?

    are really going to that?? really???
  11. G

    Could Trump do anything to make you stop supporting him?

    well, his donation page crashed due to so many going there to donate, so there is that...
  12. G

    Could Trump do anything to make you stop supporting him?

    i agree. this country has turned into a bad reality t v show.
  13. G

    Should Christians hate Communism?

    it works great for those who at the top of it. as for the ones who are not on top, well...:confused::confused:
  14. G

    AI Robots and Beast System Tech

    correct. it is in our face. loud and brash.