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  1. J

    Did Jesus Die on The Cross for The Just/Elect/Saved Whose Names Are Written in The Book of Life OR

    Wow, you two really go at it here. However there is a third option that is neither Election nor Free Will. Jhn 1:12-13, see it there ?
  2. J

    Who is God & What is the Gospel ?

    np, i hope that i didn't represent myself as an accuser or arguer...
  3. J

    Who is God & What is the Gospel ?

    Well, PilgrimsHope, it seems this is where we may have to part ways. At first I thought we might have fellowship, but to deny the Tri-Unity, wow, that's tough to let go. i don't see any profit in having a discussion with someone who doesn't believe in the three divine persons of the Godhead...
  4. J

    Who is God & What is the Gospel ?

    Nehemiah6,...I just read that, it's about Sanballat, Tobiah and Gesham trying to subvert Nehemiah from completing the wall. Well,... Jhn 10:14 I am the good shepherd; and I know mine own, and mine own know me, 15 even as the Father knoweth me, and I know the Father;... Jhn 17:3 And this is...
  5. J

    Who is God & What is the Gospel ?

    What about Jer 33:3 ?
  6. J

    Who is God & What is the Gospel ?

    Well, ok Pilgrim, if i understand you correctly, you believe that there is no "Trinity" or as i see it a "Tri-Unity", correct ?
  7. J

    Who is God & What is the Gospel ?

    I don't like debate either, but do enjoy friendly conversation. Concerning your thought that God is only one person, how would you respond to the scriptures, "Let us make man in our image", or in Jhn 17, to whom is Jesus praying ?
  8. J

    Who is God & What is the Gospel ?

    Well it depends on the meaning of the word "truly." The holy scriptures do encourage, even command, us to know God, which should give us hope that it is possible, at least in part, in some way, right ?
  9. J

    Who is God & What is the Gospel ?

    1.) What if God's own will and pleasure is "to give" and that selflessly ? 2.) What if love needs an object to love and thus God created mankind ?
  10. J

    Who is God & What is the Gospel ?

    Yes i have two sons and a daughter. the apple of His eye are His children, yes.
  11. J

    Who is God & What is the Gospel ?

    ewq1938, sorry i just saw your post and fully agree with all said. Father, Son and Holy Spirit are all, each God. This CC thing can get difficult tracking all the comments and responses. i was proposing a discussion about "Who is God?" and Magenta was first to respond with "God is Love" so i...
  12. J

    Who is God & What is the Gospel ?

    But isn't the question "Who is God?" the most profound to ask ? I can't think of any other intellectual, religious, nor philosophical question to ask before i die. am i wrong ? the entire Bible is about God and the gospel
  13. J

    Who is God & What is the Gospel ?

    I would like to summarize what I think is our common belief on the topic of "God is Love." 1. the Godhead, Father, Son, Spirit, in eternity past were in a continuously harmonious, loving relationship and so continue to this day. 2. God, being pure love, could not remain in such a state without a...
  14. J

    Who is God & What is the Gospel ?

    If your still up, i'd like to are the first person that has understood something i believe and actually, if i am portraying your thoughts correctly, agreed. you may not be able to fathom the profound impact this has on me. i have had so many things that i believe the lord has...
  15. J

    Who is God & What is the Gospel ?

    What time zone are you, it's past midnight here, lol Oh btw, do you know of other believers that understand the same as you recently posted ? I don't know of any.
  16. J

    Who is God & What is the Gospel ?

    Wow, missed this post, fully agree...
  17. J

    Who is God & What is the Gospel ?

    Sorry, i thought we were still discussing the concept of "God is Love" and recently as it pertains to the idea of what is all seems on topic to me, redirect us ?