Satanic history of feminism Part: I

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Senior Member
Sep 23, 2014
Although I do realize that the title is missing an intended 'n', which (coincidentally , or not so coincidentally but fitly, even tho it might've been inadvertently, by a lesser being than the perfect that is) happens to be a derived of the hevrew letter 'nun' which is representative of the humble man...) I believe should more adequately read, 'The Satiric History of Feminism.'


Senior Member
Feb 10, 2017
Satan is so powerful that he Trumps God daily - never rests.

I've no doubt he invented the lithium-ion battery too.


Junior Member
Sep 17, 2013
You have ignored text to impose your own narrative and then accused Christians and then added personal insult to that. I'm pretty sure that in the context of scripture that makes you at best in error and at worse a false teacher.
Well lets examine that Loco:

Jesus was talking to people who rejected Him, His message of Repentance and the coming of Their Messiah even though He fulfilled all of the prophecies, performed miracles- even in His home town they hated Him so much they tried to throw Him off a cliff....

America: Begginning in the late 19th century, many thoelogians and pastors turned to "liberal theology," and in doing so turnede away from Christ. They taught that the Bible was not to be taken literallly- to the point that Christ was not even considered the Son of God for some. Not all - do not be simple. Christians on the whole, including the pulpits were silent when in 1950 when "No Fault Divorce" became law. Most sat on the sidelines while feminist, atheist, humanist, Communist teachings and aims were introduced: Free Love movement, strait from hell through Moscow; Peace movement- strait from hell through Moscow (See: "Love Letter To America" and other sources); Christians have done not much when the Bible was taken out of school, the Ten Commandments, Prayer, Then legalized abortion, then homosexual history education, then 70 Communists and at least 2 Islamic political Jihadists took Congressional seats; "Divorce Care," Given in churches to help people deal with their "Feelings" about their divorce- for ANY reason, not the only allowable reason, adultery, gay priests, woman pastors, etc. etc. etc. and while the heathen fight tooth and nail to destroy America, not many Christians do anything to stop them or put up a similar effort.


Junior Member
Sep 17, 2013
Nonsense. Jesus was speaking to whom? It's clarified in the text. Certain scribes and Pharisees came asking to see a sign. Jesus answered them. He was clearly not speaking to his disciples.
You don't seem to understand how the English language works
I forgive your insult. It is clear that Jesus was speaking to that entire generation taking into account the full counsel of God: He spoke of Israel as lost sheep; that He would be a mother hen to them but they would have none of Him, that Sodom would stand uo to judge that generation - not only certain people, and not only certain people in Sodom.


Junior Member
Sep 17, 2013
Not so much the result of Feminism but more of absentee fathers . Adam acting as Christ a husband to the bride but neglected his responsibility and is why failure to love Eve protecting her with truth is accredited to Adam denying the commandment and not Eve.

Woman was not made from the rib of man. Mankind or called sons of God led by the Spirit of God again as one creation are made up of both men and woman. Flesh of flesh and bone of bone as complete one creation . The ultimate goal in the end .The new creature the bride of Christ, the church.

Woman outwardly have the awesome responsibility to represent the whole Church as a new creation . Man is used to represent Christ the invisible head. Its why the devil chased after her as another kind of husband a mediator (the spirit of the antichrist) needed to represent the strange woman or the daughters of men (natural mankind) or ultimately the queen of heaven .

And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? Genesis 3;1

Much has been lost to what some call a fashion statement or a cultural time period in respect to the new testament ceremonial law , head uncovering for the men and hair covering for the woman.

False from jump street Garee:

It is written:

I Timothy: "Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I permit not a woman to teach, nor to have authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. Yet shall she be saved in childbearing."

-- Feminist/Satanist docrine: Jesus/husband is whom you attempt to blame now (as Even tried to blame the devil for her sin then)
for your sins. But I AM will hold only you accountable for your own actions, woman.

Again, you call The Word- Jesus Christ, a liar; therefore your following arguments are based on lies -

It is written:

Genesis 2:22 "And from the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.."

The reason He made her He stated in verse 18:

"And the LORD said, it is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him."


Senior Member
Jun 30, 2015
Christians have done not much when the Bible was taken out of school, the Ten Commandments, Prayer, Then legalized abortion, then homosexual history education, then 70 Communists and at least 2 Islamic political Jihadists took Congressional seats; "Divorce Care," Given in churches to help people deal with their "Feelings" about their divorce- for ANY reason, not the only allowable reason, adultery, gay priests, woman pastors, etc. etc. etc. and while the heathen fight tooth and nail to destroy America, not many Christians do anything to stop them or put up a similar effort.
Your disdain for a ministry that seeks to support hurting Christians is misguided. DivorceCare was not founded to condemn people, but to help them through very difficult times. It isn't your role, nor the role of anyone else here, to pass judgment on people as to why they are divorced, nor to deny them care afterwards.

I have been through a divorce. It wasn't my choice. I was helped by the ministry of DivorceCare. I recommend their ministry even though I don't agree with all their material, and will continue to do so. Save your condemnation... it will come back on your own head.

Cast blame at the enemy rather than shooting the medics on your own side.


Senior Member
Feb 22, 2018
It was Eve who was decieved, not Adam. Blaming Adam is a cornerstone of feminism/satanism. God clearly said "It was the woman who was decieved, not the man," Only satan and wicked people try to undo God's word and blame Adam and men for all things. If you knew your history, Lanolin, or were speaking equally, you would note that mostly woman decide to divorce. Unless there is Adultery, this is against the law of Christ. You also disparaged men in general, which is no Christian woman's right or person's right. They are made in the image of God.

Feminism began with Satanic poetesses, priests, nobility in the 1800s. Then on steroids Lenin Stalin and his super-feminazis sought to, with passionate hatred destroy marriage and the family as an institution. They did to by allowing easy divorces, free abortions and other feminist laws. Things like abortion in service to idols- child sacrifice, in feminism, dates back to the worshipers of Baal whom when Israel got entangled with sacrificed their children to idols.

... So the Soviets, Atheists, liberals and the like infested USA institutions until in 1950 "Fault-Free divorce" which is in translation the exact law that Lenin cooked up in Russia. After 15 years, and that country almost destroying itself in immorailty, Stalin put a stop to this. The USA has not.

... There are many single woman in churches because they reject God's word. They divorce at will, not for adultery, and cause such horrible heartbreak, destruction, agony to their own husbands, children, churches and societies that there has been more suffering to the human race in these past decades than ever in history.

Spoiled woman of this age cry "What has he done for me lately?" Instead of bearing up with hard times with the family, they divorce, and congradulate themseleves in God's house The Word says, "Let us not say ' in a year we will go here or there and make lots of money,' God has not promised you tomorrow. Instead say, 'if it be His will in a year we will go here or there and make money.' Be thankful for the clothes on your back and the food in your belly. All else is sin (including saying: my husband did not please me, get me enough things/God did not get me enough things)."

Throwing away their husbands, families, responsibilities, unborn babies, assuming the role of man and priest is something feminists will see the wrath of God and are starting to see even now

I. In The Beginning

From the beginning feminism is a cooperation with the woman, Eve, and the devil. As with all satan’s false doctrines, they are a bastardization, twisting, simply the opposite - a counterfeit of God’s plan, nothing more. Feminism is not creative, as its master the devil is not creative. He, and his she’s have not created anything but stolen, killed and destroyed with lies. That is the nature of all vile imaginations that exalt themselves against the knowledge of God.

Genesis 2:16-18

“And the LORD commanded the man saying, of every tree of the garden you may eat freely: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you shall not eat of it; for in the day that you eat that you eat thereof you shall surely die.
And The LORD said, it is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him.”

— God made man for himself, made woman for man. Prominent, modern feminists have been quoted affirming their service of satan whether they realize it or not, by stating the opposite of God’s Word, and in as much also evil abominations of vain ideas:

Gloria Steinem described marriage as “an arrangement for one and a half people.”
Andrea Dworkin wrote, “How can anyone love someone who is less than a full person, unless love itself is domination per se?”
Kate Millett wrote, “so long as every female, simply by virtue of her anatomy, is obliged, even forced, to be the sole or primary caretaker of childhood, she is prevented from being a free human being.”
Betty Friedan wrote, “women who ‘adjust’ as housewives, who grow up wanting to be ‘just a housewife,’ are in as much danger as the millions who walked to their own death in the concentration camps… they are suffering a slow death of mind and spirit.”
Linda Gordon said, “the nuclear family must be destroyed… Whatever its ultimate meaning, the break-up of families now is an objectively revolutionary process.”
Robin Morgan said “We can’t destroy the inequities between men and women until we destroy marriage.”
Mary Jo Bane said, “in order to raise children with equality, we must take them away from families and communally raise them.”
Vivian Gornick said, “being a housewife is an illegitimate profession… The choice to serve and be protected and plan towards being a family maker is a choice that shouldn’t be. The heart of radical feminism is to change that.”
Helen Sullinger said, “We must work to destroy [marriage]… The end of the institution of marriage is a necessary condition for the liberation of women. Therefore it is important for us to encourage women to leave their husbands and not to live individually with men… All of history must be rewritten in terms of oppression of women.”

These quotes are farther reaching than the seed and core meaning of God in creating woman from man, for God and for man, not for herself as a false goddess. But they are all rooted in the same core lies amongst which are:

- There is no God, therefore there is no sin as He prescribes it
man was made in His image, therefore feminism will call The Truth lies and lies truth; woman is god. So sin is that man, child and creation which is for woman
must serve her. If not they must be destroyed.

- Since there is suffering and sin, feminists reject Christ as savior and scapegoat men
for all that is wrong with the universe. The difference is with Christ there is hope, with
feminism/satanism, hope, they hope, shall be destroyed.

Genesis 2: 19-

“And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was its name.
And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl fo the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found a helper suitable for him.
And the LORD caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up its place with flesh;
And from the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man
And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of a Man.

— Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.”

Feminism rebels against this. Following its father, satan, it says:

“The good design and hierarchy God created is not good enough. Woman are better. We will
Exhale ourselves to become goddess, man-head of family, ruler- head of state, and goddess where all things are made for us by the serpent and the goddess. All are equal in this ancient myth and in ancient feminist societies- accept that all are subjects and slaves of woman and the goddess.”

Feminist poets and writers have spoken and written:

“Then did I weep, compassionate of those who see no friend in God - in Satan’s host no foe”
“..Feminists embrace of Satan as the covert hero.. Eve’s model for self-assertive identity”

— Satan’s way through his people of lying about Eve’s being decieved by the serpent, the devil, wanting to become like god, a god, and taking eat of the fruit. Then she died, as God said she would. Feminism resists even the salvation of Christ, wherein they can come from death to life by accepting Christ and His sacrifice, admitting He Is the Son Of God, and asserting that in continuing in lies and death they are giving themselves and all of humanity life..

False life from death: the promise of Satan from the first encounter with woman in the garden of Eden. She still clings to this in her sin. Unless she is born again, she will join her serpent ally in the lake of fire. Satan promises life, delivers to the second death.

In I Timothy, and in other places, God instructs us again on the hierarchy of His Kingdom and creation, and thus righteous behavior and place in His Body:

I Timothy 2:-

“I desire therefore that men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting. In like manor also, that woman

Do you hate women? While I'm sure most of your info is true, there is an undercurrent of misogyny in your post that's impossible to miss, or ignore.


Senior Member
Feb 22, 2018
Jeauris, do you hate women? There's and undercurrent of misogyny in your post that's impossible to miss or ignore. You remind me of the Pharisees who were going to stone the woman for adultery. Jesus didn't pick up a rock and join them, but shamed them into stopping their misogynistic murder.


Well-known member
Dec 15, 2018
Getting some women hating vibes from this poster. If you married, how does your wife feel about this.

What does your mum say, or your sisters or daughter. Or are they afraid to speak in your presence.
Even didnt make a deal with the devil, her mistake or sin was that she listened to him. Later she found out it was wrong and admitted it to God she had been beguiled. Adam tried to blame her for everything but worse blamed God for giving her to him.

From then on theres been a battle of the sexes.

Did something like this happen in your life?


Junior Member
Sep 17, 2013
Jeauris, do you hate women? There's and undercurrent of misogyny in your post that's impossible to miss or ignore. You remind me of the Pharisees who were going to stone the woman for adultery. Jesus didn't pick up a rock and join them, but shamed them into stopping their misogynistic murder.
No. I love woman. What I hate is what Christ Hates: Their sins, and in this case, iniquities- sins that are done not out of weakness, ignorance but with full realization of God's Word, the Christian (woman in this case) knowing that what she is doing is so evil that it is without peer in human history and saying to herself and others and often in God's house:

'I am aloud to divorce for whatever reason I want- who cares what the Word says, what the consequence are. The church praises me, society praises me, the law rewards me with all the marital possessions, custody of the children, and a nice fat alimony and child support check. What have I got to lose?"

Your incredible misandry is a case of the pot calling the kettle black which with feminists and this wicked generation is just business as usual.

To Truthfully complete your metaphore: If the average feminist was in the position of the cheating misadrist she would be there with the Pharisees and some Roman soldiers accusing Christ saying:

"Divorce is right and you lie!
Killing babies is right - you lie!
Men, including You, and The Father- the creator of the Patriarchal, oppressive Bible and its social injustice are wrong!
Long Live Jezebel/Feminism/Feminine Supremecy at all costs!"

The woman caught in adultery repented - the wicked woman of the church today brag on their pedestals of stolen religious, political, social familial power and continue their reign of terror on mankind which I believe will come to an end soon. Amen

In case you forgot, the approximate feminist body count to date:

256 million unborn babies
100s of millions more as a scientifically identified causality of all manor of social ills = divorce, man-hate, the destruction of the family by, but not limited to such things is teenage suicide, murder-suicide, gang violence, drive-bys, school shootings, drug overdoses, teen-aged sex leading to deadly STDs, teenage prostitution, child-suicide, and so much more,

Due to by most substantial contribution femi-nazis/Communism


No one is defending modern feminism here. Not one person.
What people are trying to point out to you is how you misuse scripture.
Example; the Bible does not indicate that Eve was cunning. In fact it says she was deceived.
Not only to you misuse the Bible to make your points, you misuse the words of those who point out your misuse of scriptures. Then you attack people.
If you want to put an end to feminism you have to be honest about your own fault in it.
If you want to defeat abortion, you have to admit your own fault in it.
Confession of sin is the path to grace and mercy. Then repentance.


Senior Member
Jun 30, 2015
No. I love woman. What I hate is what Christ Hates: Their sins, and in this case, iniquities- sins that are done not out of weakness, ignorance but with full realization of God's Word, the Christian (woman in this case) knowing that what she is doing is so evil that it is without peer in human history and saying to herself and others and often in God's house:

'I am aloud to divorce for whatever reason I want- who cares what the Word says, what the consequence are. The church praises me, society praises me, the law rewards me with all the marital possessions, custody of the children, and a nice fat alimony and child support check. What have I got to lose?"
I notice that you are focused on "their" sins. Do you have any concern for their souls? You claim to love them, yet all you preach is hatred toward them. Nobody appointed you the prophet to the feminists. Even if God did, you're on the wrong site.

Nobody is debating the imbalances of the family court system, but you can't rightly lay blame for it solely at the feet of feminists.

Your incredible misandry is a case of the pot calling the kettle black which with feminists and this wicked generation is just business as usual.
What "incredible misandry"? There is nothing in Didymous' post that even hints at misandry. Questioning you doesn't qualify as such... at all.

In case you forgot, the approximate feminist body count to date:

256 million unborn babies
100s of millions more as a scientifically identified causality of all manor of social ills = divorce, man-hate, the destruction of the family by, but not limited to such things is teenage suicide, murder-suicide, gang violence, drive-bys, school shootings, drug overdoses, teen-aged sex leading to deadly STDs, teenage prostitution, child-suicide, and so much more,

Due to by most substantial contribution femi-nazis/Communism
You're completely biased and apparently unable to identify the source of evil. It isn't feminism, but rather the wicked human heart.
Do you consider hatred of women to be a social ill?


Senior Member
Oct 13, 2014
Adam was right there with eve and could have stopped her. He didnt. Lets not make women worse than they are


Senior Member
Oct 13, 2014
oh well this is interesting

reminds me of this thread you have back in Sept of last year

that was wildly popular with the women are to blame for everything wrong with men crowd

but as someone succinctly put it in that particular op, 'I though satan uses both men and women'

honestly I cannot imagine sitting around and putting together such a thread with the intention of any sort of actual beneficial dialogue on the part of either men or women


... There are many single woman in churches because they reject God's word. They divorce at will, not for adultery, and cause such horrible heartbreak, destruction, agony to their own husbands, children, churches and societies that there has been more suffering to the human race in these past decades than ever in history.

Spoiled woman of this age cry "What has he done for me lately?" Instead of bearing up with hard times with the family, they divorce, and congradulate themseleves in God's house The Word says, "Let us not say ' in a year we will go here or there and make lots of money,' God has not promised you tomorrow. Instead say, 'if it be His will in a year we will go here or there and make money.' Be thankful for the clothes on your back and the food in your belly. All else is sin (including saying: my husband did not please me, get me enough things/God did not get me enough things)."

Throwing away their husbands, families, responsibilities, unborn babies, assuming the role of man and priest is something feminists will see the wrath of God and are starting to see even now

in particular is very eye opening

perhaps women in this forum would like to tell the other side of men beating their wives, running around on their wives and demeaning them all the while calling themselves 'Christian'

I don't write the above for myself necessarily, but I have read enough posts in this forum to understand some men enjoy putting women down while expressing fake concern for family at the same time

my overall impression of this op? devilish enough to get people at each other's throats...but of course I mean that in a very studious least as much as the op with all the references to feminism sickening


Senior Member
Sep 23, 2014
What woman would ever truly be secure in taking a husband from this pool of such as the more adamic candidates who hang back allowing eve to be deceived rather than speak against lies and guard the truth, like such as after the example of the second adam. These latter models are much more appreciated by any 'Isha', as "Ish', these are truly and fully men.



I fail to see what the "ways of the world" has to do with those in the new covenant.

The blame game does not have a place amongst believers.


No. I love woman. What I hate is what Christ Hates:
Actually, what God hates is unbelief. And the harsh words you keep spouting about "other people's sins" only reflect a spirit of self-righteousness and an unbelief in God at work in His children according to His perfect will. Your "righteousness" does not exceed the righteousness of the Pharisees because you don't hold yourself accountable to the burden of judgment you are hanging on others.


Junior Member
Sep 17, 2013
Actually, what God hates is unbelief. And the harsh words you keep spouting about "other people's sins" only reflect a spirit of self-righteousness and an unbelief in God at work in His children according to His perfect will. Your "righteousness" does not exceed the righteousness of the Pharisees because you don't hold yourself accountable to the burden of judgment you are hanging on others.
How do you figure? I have never aborted a baby, divorced my wife. I forgive your false accusations. I did not flaunt my righteousness but obeyed my Father who says "Exhort, admonish and encourage each other at all times with Psalms, Scriture."

You think my words are harsh? Simply put: "God is not mocked. what you sew to you will reap."

So feminist/Communists in America have 56,000,000 unborn babies murdered they will have to reap God's Wrath for, and many other sins beyond what has been recorded in human history. Rebuking these people and calling them to repent is what Christ orders us to do. I am not judge - I can do math. 56 million is beyond the genocides committed by all 20th century monsters.

Repent Auntie- you defend baby killers instead of one denouncing their acts and calling on them to change.