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  1. Guardian1970

    Flesh vs Spirit

    Brother and Sisters, Without the law there is no right or wrong. The law exists so that one may know how to please God and what is Good, only God, and evil. The Lord said, a day will come when you will neighter worship on this mountain or in Jerusalem (the temple). Because God is Spirit...
  2. Guardian1970

    Who Leads

    Who leads Christ’s church? Man or God? Who makes men priests? How? For from where does knowledge and wisdom come? Who seeks the keeper of that knowledge and for what purpose? Religion is of man and so is the teaching. True faith and salvation is of God through His son Jesus, the Christ...
  3. Guardian1970

    Quid est Veritas?

    Hoc est verum ! Grace was not given to enable you to live life in sin and abolish or ignore the law. Rather it was given to empower you in and through His Holy Spirit presence and Word to overcome sin and keep it! Because where there is light there cannot be dark they are opposites. Where...
  4. Guardian1970

    Sabbath and the Law final

    Brothers and Sisters, This is the last I will say on the sabbath. However, Please, please read all of this. Trust me, I didn’t just come easily to this to point it out. Everything in scripture shows he didn’t abolish the law. Here is just a few parts of scripture supporting this fact listed...
  5. Guardian1970

    Evolution theory vs God

    Evolution vs God Brother and Sisters, We have heard this argument time and again. Remember, the evolution theory, which it is, has no proof. Hence per science it is a theory. In fact all science is a theory because things change and what is even seen as a fact today is really only a...
  6. Guardian1970

    Remember the Sabbath

    Brother and Sisters, Some say, “We do not have to keep the Sabbath. Because that is under the old covenant Jewish law!” Yet they want to pick and choose other laws for their gain, like tithing for themselves. Really, who told you that you are naked and are not under the old covenant and...
  7. Guardian1970

    Religious Tithing

    Brothers and Sisters, My Lord said: Luke 19 45And he entered the temple and began to drive out those who sold, 46saying to them, “It is written, ‘My house shall be a house of prayer,’ but you have made it a den of robbers.” Matthew 21 13 And He said to them, “It is written, ‘My house shall be...
  8. Guardian1970

    This is the Way

    Brothers and Sisters, Take heart, though there is darkness, seek the light, that the light will be in you and you in the light, amen. Though there is calamity let the Lords Spirit of peace rest upon you. May the Lord strengthen us, guide us, and guard us accordingly to His will. Now behold...
  9. Guardian1970

    The Gospel

    Feed men a fish and they will follow you, teach men how and where to fish, and they will feed themselves, their families and teach others how to do so.
  10. Guardian1970

    Who is King of Kings

    Brother and Sisters, What can religion be compared to? 1Samuel 8:4 4 So all the elders of Israel gathered together and came to Samuel at Ramah. 5 They said to him, “You are old, and your sons do not follow your ways; now appoint a king to lead us, such as all the other nations have.” 6 But...
  11. Guardian1970

    1+1=2 Tribulation

    Brother and Sisters, I will speak on this with scripture alone plain and clear, then say no more. There is no escape, you are to be witnesses for Him who are in the body and stand for the truth. Be patient and endure till the end. Some tell you that you will not tribulation brothers and...
  12. Guardian1970

    Love all Serve all

    Brothers and sisters, For those of you who want to “preach” in a way to point out your brothers sisters sins. In order to “help them” see they are sinners. Then I say this, remember your own first. That you may do it in a way that you would want your sins pointed out to you. If you want to...
  13. Guardian1970

    What time is it? Part I

    Veritas Quid est veritas? It is time to speak may the planter put forth his seed and His will be done. . Salvation, if we are saved by faith through grace. Born again, baptized in the Holy Spirit, by Christ. Becoming a member in one body, the Christ, who is the head of the Church in one...
  14. Guardian1970

    I desire Mercy and not Sacrifice

    My Lord quoted Hosea 6:6 For I desire mercy, not sacrifice, and acknowledgment of God rather than burnt offerings. When He said as written in Matthew 9:13, I desire mercy and not sacrifice. He was addressing the religious who were judging him for healing on the Sabbath and for eating with...
  15. Guardian1970

    This is The Way

    This is the Way Shabbat Shalom Hello brother and sisters, both inside and outside the body. The times and season I believe we can all agree is clear. Mathew 24:32. I am moved in Spirit to write i feel an urgency to say these things. It is time to take what is God’s and proclaim it. The...
  16. Guardian1970

    Unity in the Church

    Unity in the Body of Christ How we lack unity in the “church” and where does that comes from? Many are asking that today brothers and sisters. I being in unity with God, by the grace of God, and having fellowship of being bound in and of the same Spirit as Paul and Peter, Moses and Daniel to...
  17. Guardian1970

    Should women teach, should you?

    Should women teach? This has been talked about and argued a lot. Let me ask these questions for you to ponder, before you read on. Why would men argue women are not worthy to teach? On what basis? So the first question is, should YOU teach? Who gives YOU authority to teach? Who makes...
  18. Guardian1970

    Christianity Today

    The Church Brothers and Sisters, I being a sinner, know that I am worthy of only one thing, death. The law is plain to state this, Jesus echoed the wages of sin are death. If the law were not applicable then why would Christ say this? If I have earned death. Then how great is the gift of...
  19. Guardian1970

    Judgement or Mercy

    Love and Mercy Brothers and Sisters let’s look at Matthew 18 and Luke 9. We note that today many people, especially in the world are at odds. About religion, about race, about politics. Should we who say we Love God with all we are and are not of this world be like them? Divide even amongst...
  20. Guardian1970

    Jesus fulfills the Law

    Bible proof Matthew 5 17 Think not that I have come to destroy the law or the prophets: I came not to destroy, but to fulfill. The Bible is a collection of God Spirit filled God and guided writers spanning for over 1500 years. Some people try to use this as an argument along with they are...