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  1. R

    Trump hush money trial

    Does anyone have any thoughts about the current trial taking place in New York?
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    Father' Heart

    I just ran across this while reading my morning devotional, I am not sure if it belongs in the poem section, misc. or Bible discussion but I do know that it should be shared. This is the link:, I converted it from .pdf to text since it was hard to read...
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    The Sermon On the Mount

    Upon yon mount, 'neath heaven's gaze, The Master teacheth, hearts ablaze. Blessed be the pure, in spirit bright, For they shall gaze upon God's light. The gentle souls, the mourners true, Shall find their solace, as dew renews. The righteous yearn, with fervent will, Shall feast on grace, their...
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    Christian Nationalism

    I just browsed into this article. It appears that this is a political movement rather than Christianity. Does this sound dangerous to anyone?
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    With God At Dawn

    I thought I’d post a my morning devotional for viewing or comment. We Must Work Out Our Own Salvation, January 24 What Is God's Purpose for Us? Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, ... work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. For it is God which worketh in you both to...
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    Sound Doctrine

    [2Ti 4:2-3 KJV] 2 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. 3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; [Eph...
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    Does anyone have an opinion on this one? The verse is Galatians 3:28, it’s rather amazing.
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    Merry Christmas

    I'm not trying to start one of our "Mars Hillish" style discussions, but rather encourage all the brethren to use this time of year to bring the Christian message to people who are normally not open to the gospel in any form. I, like everyone else have family members who are not ready for the...
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    How do you study the Bible?

    Since I posted the thread I will go first: 1) I have weekly study guides from church and after prayer I go through each day’s lesson carefully, today was about Naaman and his initial incomplete grasp of worshipping the true God as his only prior knowledge was the pagan religion of Syria. 2...
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    Why does “Protestant America” have a Supreme Court with a Catholic majority?

    What kind of country will America become when the Constitution is no longer the law of the “Republic”? Religious makeup of the current court: John Roberts (Chief Justice) - Catholic, Clarence Thomas - Catholic, Samuel Alito - Anglicanism/Catholic, Brett Kavanaugh - Catholic, Sonia Sotomayer...
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    If you were put on trial for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you.

    Years ago I was given a cassette tape entitled “If you were put on trial for being a Christian would there be enough evidence to convict?” Technology has moved on and I don’t recall a lot of details, but I thought it was a compelling title to share. I am studying Jesus in all the Bible this...
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    What is the difference between Evangelicals and Protestants?

    For many years main stream Christian churches were called Protestant as a distinction from Catholicism. Today these churches call themselves Evangelicals. Is this change due to a realigning of values and subsequent blurring of the original doctrines of the early Reformers?
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    Do you plan to watch the televised trial of Trump in the Georgia election case?

    I believe that it is still possible for Christians to reason together. We are living in perilous times in part brought on by social media and partisan news agencies which magnifies our differences and negates our similarities. The fact that we can view this trial online as it happens may be...