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  1. W

    Magnesium Glycinate

    Has anyone tried this for anxiety/depression? Have read good things . Any help would be appreciated
  2. W

    Please Pray for me!

    Thank you all for they prayers! I have just committed this sin so many times, and I ask forgiveness for this so many times, I wouldn’t blame god if he just quit forgiving me.
  3. W

    Please Pray for me!

    Hi guys, I have not posted here in a long time, but if you are reading this, please lift me up in prayer. I am a born again Christian who can’t break away from a couple of sins that are absolutely eating me up. I can’t sleep, I feel like I’m going to throw up constantly etc. My guilt and...
  4. W

    Need prayer please!!

    The past couple of weeks I seemed to have gotten so far away from God. I’m going through the motions of what we should do as Christians, and have allowed myself to fall back into some bad habits. I also suffer from anxiety, and right now it is eating me alive . My mind is racing, and I question...
  5. W

    Where did different races come from?

    I have recently decided to read the Bible front to back, to familiarize myself with Gods word. I still have my daily and nightly devotionals, this is just something I personally wanted to do. On to my question... when God flooded the earth the only human survivors were, Noah, his wife and his...
  6. W

    Anyone battling anxiety/panic disorder?

    I am looking for someone to talk to about anxiety.I feel like nobody knows exactly what people with anxiety go through on a daily basis. It’s been 9 years, I’m ready to move on from this , but something is holding me back. I keep all my feeling bundled up inside because I feel nobody will...