Recent content by Gideon300

  1. G


    e-trikes are not common, but there are more around than a couple of years ago. It's a long way removed from what I had as a kid. 4" wide tyres for a start.
  2. G

    Occult stuff.

    I knew someone who was a professional sportsman before he was saved. He said that there is a demon of competition. Watching the behaviour of "fans" (short for fanatics), I can only agree. Satan was the original competitor. God wants only winners. In competition, someone has to lose.
  3. G


    I have an e-Trike waiting to be assembled. I crashed my two wheeler twice in a month and my body is complaining. It can carry 50 kg on the rear carrier, so I'll be riding to the shops often. I'm looking forward to it. I have a Marin to sell if any aussie is interested...........
  4. G

    Secular Music

    Leonard Cohen was a Jew and that shows through some of his songs. I can't listen to him as I find him depressing .
  5. G

    Religious Tithing

    The Lord has a name and it is Jesus. Try using it. Jesus had something to say about the Law and about tithing. The sermon on the mount is an expression of God's intent over and above mere outward observance. Obedience to the law is not good enough. Tithing has been replaced by giving. This is...
  6. G

    The Law Is Out Of Date And Will "SOON DISAPPEAR"?

    I've been beyond busy this week, so if replied to this already, my apologies. I go by what God's word has to say. And it says this: "So the law became our guardian to lead us to Christ, that we might be justified by faith." (Galatians 3:24) "Now we know that the law is good, if one uses it...
  7. G

    There's no "The One"

    Said like true introvert. I have been single most of my life. I remarried October 2022 after a break of about 25 years. Marriage is tough. My wife and I are very different and that creates tension at times. It's also a wonderful opportunity to grow. Psalm 4:1 can be translated "In pressure you...
  8. G

    Struggling with the old testament

    I have been saved over 50 years. The OT is God's word. Much of it is no longer applicable to the New Covenant. However, A lot of lessons can be learned from it. One example is the difference between Saul and David. Read the account of their lives in the Spirit and you will see why Saul was a...
  9. G

    God won't violate man's will?

    Yes, but not everyone is saved and not all the saved come to the knowledge of the truth.
  10. G

    The Law Is Out Of Date And Will "SOON DISAPPEAR"?

    The absurdity of the legalistic position is obvious, except to the legalists. The temple no longer exists. So there is no way to obey the 613 commandments. Who burns their house down if there is a contagious illness in the family? That would have been interesting in the COVID pandemic period!
  11. G

    The Law Is Out Of Date And Will "SOON DISAPPEAR"?

    I do not understand why people can't grasp God's word that is so clearly stated. God's written law, as given to Moses, no longer applies to a born again Christian. That is so clearly stated that there should be no confusion. Tell me what laws apply to dead people? Who takes a corpse to court? I...
  12. G

    The sower

    There is a difference between the physical nation of Israel and the people. That's all I'm saying. Jews will be saved just the same way as any other person becomes born again. I've said my bit about Israel as a nation.
  13. G

    The sower

    There needs to be a distinction between Israel as a nation and the Jewish religion. God foretold that Israel would be scattered and then restored as a nation. This happened in 1948, as prophesied. Israel is the nation born in one day, for example. Israel is silent testimony to God's mighty power...