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  1. JTB

    Is this an appropriate picture?

  2. JTB

    Intelligence is questioning

    Truth is only available to those who are willing to question what they think they know
  3. JTB

    Eclipse conspiracy

    I bought a couple hundred inflatable dolls and filled them with helium. At the height of the eclipse I'm going to release them :LOL:
  4. JTB

    Outrageous bonds and bloodbaths

    Those who know me know I'm no fan of trump (or most all republicans and democrats). But even criminals deserve fairness. This 454 million dollar bond is outrageously excessive, and his bloodbath comment is being totally taken out of context. The dems are making a martyr out of this guy, They...
  5. JTB

    How do you see these scriptures being fulfilled?

    How do you see these scriptures being fulfilled?
  6. JTB

    Do stillborns and deceased babies go to 'hell'

    Do stillborns and babies go to ‘hell’? * Romans 7:8-11. I was alive once without the law when I was a child... I had no understanding of the law as a child and I was sinless because where there is no law, there is no sin. But when I became old enough to understand the law, sin slew me. John...
  7. JTB

    These two losers?

  8. JTB


    One to make you think: And one to make you nervous
  9. JTB

    Blog posts

    I was on here years ago under a different name and I seem to remember there was an area to post personal blog content that wasn't size restricted like the forum posts are. But I can't seem to find it now. Do I remember incorrectly, or has that been moved/removed?
  10. JTB

    What is your gospel?

    This (A) Or this (B) Matthew 5: 38You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye and tooth for tooth.’ 39But I tell you not to resist an evil person. If someone slaps you on your right cheek, turn to him the other also; 40if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your...
  11. JTB

    Fruit and politics

  12. JTB

    computing for the blind

    does anyone know what it would take to set up a windows 10 machine for use by the blind? What programs/apps would be useful? What system settings could be used? Thanks for any advice.
  13. JTB

    Pray for Blain

    I don't know how many of you know Blain, but his eyes have gone bad and he is blind in one and nearly so in the other. That's why he has not been on CC lately. He and his roommate are in poverty and he's just not doing very well. And he is frustrated at God for not helping him with any of it...
  14. JTB

    How to fulfill Matthew 24 et al

    You start by spending 5 decades dumbing down the people via liberal indoctrination. Teach people to think of self, abandon personal responsibilities, enable laziness, spread immorality, preach poly/atheism, and worst of all murder innocent humans. As people get used to it, you do it more and...
  15. JTB

    Christians against Christian Nationalism
  16. JTB

    If not trump then how?

    Scripture says: I've been postulating that trump and the republicans who support him are a manifestation of these scriptures. Obviously this ruffles the snot out of his supporters. But I'm willing to consider I may be wrong. So, how do YOU see these prophesies being fulfilled?
  17. JTB

    Trump 2022

    I previously postulated that trump will rise from the ashes to win in 2024. I'll leave that on the table, but here's another possibility that is now raising it's ugly head... trump is indicted and his followers riot in the street (attempting to start their civil war). They are quickly put down...
  18. JTB

    To politic or not to politic...

    2nd Timothy 2:3 Join with me in suffering, like a good soldier of Christ Jesus. 4No one serving as a soldier gets entangled in civilian affairs, but rather tries to please his commanding officer. Is this saying we should not get involved in worldly politics?