Recent content by MoroccanChurch

  1. M

    If you were put on trial for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you.

    As a Christian believer living in an Islamic country, I have faced many persecutions, and my faith has not wavered because I believe from the beginning that Jesus Christ is the truth, and difficulties strengthen my faith when I look at what Christ did for me.
  2. M

    The History of Arab Christianity

    We have to understand that the lack of success is due to the violence of Islam, and to Muslims falsifying history, but how can we help? I think we should help Christians living in Arab countries. Help educate them, encourage them, and pray for them. What is important is to spread the Gospel to...
  3. M

    The History of Arab Christianity

    i can give you some examples that a lot of Christians don't know about : Hunayn ibn Ishaq (c. 809–873): Hunayn ibn Ishaq, a Christian scholar in the Abbasid Caliphate, was a pivotal figure in the translation movement. He played a crucial role in translating Greek and Roman medical and scientific...
  4. M

    The truth about Muhammad "Feedback appreciated"

    Muslims in the west try to give a nice picture for Muhamed, but if you look at his biography you could see he can not be a prophet, but he is only a false prophet, he denied the Crucifixion of Jesus, and also denied that Jesus is son of God.
  5. M

    The History of Arab Christianity

    Arab Christianity, a vibrant and diverse branch of Christianity, has a rich and intricate history that often remains lesser-known in the broader Christian narrative. We will embark on a journey through time to explore the unique history of Arab Christianity in a way that's easy to understand for...
  6. M

    Is it Necessary to do the Will of the Father to Enter Into the Kingdom of Heaven?

    yes it is Necessary to do the Will of the Father to Enter Into the Kingdom of Heaven
  7. M

    The truth about Muhammad "Feedback appreciated"

    Can you give us a prove that Jesus was not killed?
  8. M

    The truth about Muhammad "Feedback appreciated"

    Islam is anti Christ, the teaching of Islam denied the crucifixion, and claim the corruption of the bible, and lie about the Trinity, and Islam teach to kill whoever leave Islam.
  9. M

    Christian from Morocco

    Thank you for the warm welcome, i do speak Arabic, no Berber.
  10. M

    Christian from Morocco

    Thank you, sorry it is in Arabic.
  11. M

    Christian from Morocco

    Thank you so much.
  12. M

    Christian from Morocco

    Hello everyone, i am A Christian from Morocco, i am new to this forum. God bless you all.
  13. M

    Christian from Morocco

    Thank you so much
  14. M

    سلام رب المجد يسوع المسيح الي جميعكم

    سلام المسيح, انا مسيحي من المغرب, فعلا يجب ان نبشر و نعلم الأخرين اللغة العربية للتبشير للاشخاص المهتمين بالعربية, لدي موقع مسيحي للتبشير , و لكن لااعرف ان كنت استيع نشره هنا, من اجل قانون المنتدى.
  15. M

    Christian from Morocco

    Peace of Christ to all of you, I am a Christian from Morocco , please pray for my country . God bless you all.