Recent content by RDG803

  1. RDG803

    Do we need a Walmart location in Southside Charlotte?

    There are 8 Walmart locations in Charlotte area. If you live in Dilworth, South End, Myers Park, Southpark or anywhere along South Blvd or Park Rd, you're not anywhere near one, of course if you like taking a trip to the west side location on Wilkinson Blvd. Since the Arrowood Rd location moved...
  2. RDG803

    Can someone please help/ talk to me

    I know exactly how you feel. Every since I have lost my job, I felt like I had no one to talk to. Try making some conversation with your spouse. If not, Just hang in there and have faith. You'll have that person to talk to one day.
  3. RDG803

    This is me.

    Thank you and God bless!
  4. RDG803

    This is me.

    I'm a single man and I live alone. I have no friends or a family of my own. I have hobbies, and interests, where most women my race are no into, but the women in other races don't believe that's what I like to do. Most of the times I sit alone at the park or go hikes on the Greenway, or...
  5. RDG803

    Where have you traveled to in America and the World?

    I've been on the east coast from New York to Florida. I've been to Las Vegas and Chicago. The only state I'm dying is visit is Texas. I give anything for a trip out there, but I don't have any friends or relatives that live there or afford to travel there!
  6. RDG803

    Share Your Interests, Hobbies, Collections

    Here one of my paintings. I do a lot of artwork and crafts. I love the countryside
  7. RDG803

    Is the City of Charlotte ignoring the homeless and the drug addicted?

    I respect all your comments, but to reply to one comment I'm not sure who I'm voting for. I might sit this one out. I do help out by giving them money and food, but, I don't it all the time, because some use the money to but more drugs, or just toss the food away, because they're not hungry...
  8. RDG803

    Is the City of Charlotte ignoring the homeless and the drug addicted?

    A homeless woman under influence of a drug, cause a scene last week by undressing herself and stood in the public in front of the Spectrum Center. The security escorted her out stood there and probably did nothing. Two days later she was on a bus stop bench fully clothed, still on drugs. I'm...
  9. RDG803


    Thank you all for your greets!
  10. RDG803

    One of my favorite 90s Christian song

    Yeah, that a good song too! I also like " "We will overcome" . I played that song during the pandemic.
  11. RDG803

    One of my favorite 90s Christian song

    "If this World" by Jacci Velasquez
  12. RDG803


    Hi my name is Rodney