Recent content by The_old_guy

  1. T

    everything is predestined?

    I don't know; I'm relatively new.
  2. T

    everything is predestined?

    Yeah, but they are also instructional for our suffering, since we share in Christ's suffering, not his substitution for other Christians.
  3. T

    everything is predestined?

    The word "glory" has two meanings. One is the divine brightness of God, which you refer to, but the other one is the honor we give him. The latter meaning is what happens when he allows bad things to happen to people, which is his permissive will and plan. Another way to look at it is that as...
  4. T

    The 'ELECT' vs 'Free-Choice'

    But to believe, you need God's free gift of the new birth.
  5. T

    trinity is controversial?

    The Trinity, implied by the word itself, is three Persons in ONE God. How many of those triple gods were three AND one? The reason I ask is that the one God of the Bible is three Persons, a Mystery that cannot be discovered through logic and reasoning. Therefore, that Tri-une God of the Gospel...
  6. T

    everything is predestined?

    All I know from my extensive reading and study of the Bible is that God causes or allows everything to happen in his plan; he causes good things to happen and allows bad things to his glory and the good of his people (Genesis 50:20). At the very same time, all humans are fully responsible for...
  7. T

    Saved by faith alone. A surmised understanding?

    You have been misinformed because of the following verses (Ephesians 2:8,9): "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast." We are saved by grace through faith and when God declares us not-guilty in his sight...
  8. T

    trinity is controversial?

    The Trinity is a mystery that our puny human minds can't understand. His oneness summarizes all that the Old Testament says about him, and the threeness summarizes the Gospel of John' s teachings. In fact, that clear teaching of God's Word shows that the Bible has to have been inspired, because...
  9. T

    The 'ELECT' vs 'Free-Choice'

    How about this Calvinistic idea? God's has his plan for salvation of all believers that he decided from before creation, while all believers have full responsibility to choose God to be saved. It is a mystery how those two biblical truths work together, but they do.
  10. T

    Is being "unequally yoked" a reasonable excuse for a woman to leave her husband?

    No, that's not a basis for leaving him. She can be a good spiritual influence through being an example and praying for her husband.
  11. T

    Creation Week

    The Bible doesn't say which week, so we shouldn't speculate.
  12. T

    Predestination is misunderstood...

    I think it means that we were chosen to be in him. "In Christ" is Paul's favorite phrase; it refers to our spiritual union with Jesus like the vine and the branch in John 15.
  13. T

    All Of Israel, Or Just A Remnant?

    It's very difficult to interpret future prophecies until they have been fulfilled. Witness the Old Testament prophecies about Jesus. Christians could see the fulfillments, but they were hard to interpret when they were made. My advice is, "Wait and see."
  14. T

    Death curses the law

    What do you mean that death curses the law? It doesn't make sense to me. Please explain.'