Reactions received by Yahshua

  • HeIsHere
    HeIsHere reacted Agree to Yahshua's post in the thread The hatred of Jews.
    If that's the worst slaughter since the Holocaust, then the jews are doing pretty well compared to the palestinians. 200 Jews to nearly...
  • HeIsHere
    HeIsHere reacted Agree to Yahshua's post in the thread The hatred of Jews.
    Fake Christians are what's wrong with me. Racist worshippers of an etho-state over all of the scriptures, is what's wrong with me...
  • CarriePie
    CarriePie reacted Agree to Yahshua's post in the thread The hatred of Jews.
    I'm willing to call a murderer a murderer, no matter if they are palestinian or Israeli. And you may be surprised at how similar both...