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  1. S

    private chat message

    I've noticed that some users have an automatic message that comes up anytime you open up a private chat window. How do I add a message like that?
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    ever gone astray?

    I recently had a conversation in the chat room about turning away from God. I have gone astray from God before and returned to Him. The person I was talking to argued that if I were a true Christian, I wouldn't have gone astray in the first place. I'm curious if anyone else has ever turned from...
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    Question for the guys

    Any way to tell when a guy is "just flirting" and doesn't mean anything by it, vs. when he actually likes you?
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    Okay, so the other night I was in the main chat room, and two different guys (both Americans, by the way) asked me what I consider to be off-limit questions: the first one asked me how much money I make, and the second asked me how much I weigh. Then they both were very surprised when I said...
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    "The Chase"

    Okay, I need the guys to help me out here...I have heard that guys like the chase, meaning if he is into a girl, he wants to chase her. So if a guy suddenly stops the chase, does that mean he's just lost interest, or is there some other explanation there? And if so, is it worth it to do anything...
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    Do you guys think it's okay for a single person to adopt? I'm interested in adopting someday, and a lot of people have told me that I shouldn't if I'm not married, because a child should have a mother and a father. But isn't it better for a child to have one parent than no parents?
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    Job needed

    I'm an unemployed teacher--I was teaching full-time last year and got let go during all of the budget cuts. I've been subbing for the past year and getting by with that, but it doesn't pay enough to cover all the bills and I know I can't manage with just subbing for too much longer. I'm going to...
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    advice needed!

    Any good tips for getting over a cold quickly? Or preventing one in the first place, after this one is gone? lol
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    desires of your heart

    I'm having trouble understanding Psalm 37:4 ("Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart"). Everyone always quotes that verse when I talk about wanting a husband or children, but I don't feel too sure. Obviously some of our desires don't ever get fulfilled...
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    new job

    This is my first year teaching and I was assigned to a 1st grade class, and everything was going pretty well. But now I'm being transferred to kindergarten instead, and I have to change my whole room around, get new kids, get familiar with new's a huge deal and I have to do it...
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    Anyone ever had a dream that seemed like a message or a sign from God? I had this dream about a guy and it sort of seemed like it came from God, but I don't want to jump to any conclusions. It could have just been a dream. I'm just curious if anyone else has had dreams where you feel like God is...
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    Do you guys give something up for Lent? I know a lot of Christians (not Catholics) who do it, but I never have. Do you think it's important?
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    I know that bitterness can cause a lot of problems if we hold onto it. But how do you let it go and move on? I know everyone will say to pray, but I feel like that isn't helping is there anything that we can do besides just praying?
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    "I've Never"

    So this is a game where one person says something they have never done before. Then someone who HAS done it posts the next "I've never." It needs to be something real--no "I've never had lunch with a space alien from Mars" or something. :P Soooooo I'll go first. :) I've never had a pedicure!