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  1. Lynx

    "Where Do You See Yourself..."

    "...In (retirement) years?" A lot of us here (not all) are single, and a good chunk of us are not kids any more. I'm only 46 but I've been thinking lately about what I want my life to be when I retire. Such thoughts got me curious about the rest of you. For those already retired: - What...
  2. Lynx

    Songs That Make You Think

    Ever hear a song that says something that makes you ponder it for a while? That's what this thread is for. If you heard a song that made you think, I'd like to hear it.
  3. Lynx


    Yes, it's time for YAP! Yet Another Political thread! Admittedly there seems to already be more than enough YAPping going on around here. In fact there's so much YAPping that one can barely hear oneself think lately. And I know it's only going to get worse as this year slogs on. By the time...
  4. Lynx

    Just Give It Up!

    Simple premise: What would someone who marries you have to give up? I don't mean things that are blatantly unchristian - something innocuous, something absolutely normal, something nobody would think would get on your nerves until you told them. My aunt Diane has a texture problem with...
  5. Lynx

    The Chicken Or The Egg

    Which came first? Who cares? This thread is not about that. (I'm going to solve that though. I placed an order on for one chicken and one egg. I'll let you know which comes first.) This thread is about which is more tasty, the chicken or the egg? And it's not as simple as it...
  6. Lynx

    Conversation Between Me And Bro

    Yesterday my brother sent me a link: Then we had the following conversation:
  7. Lynx

    The Side-Eye

    What about you makes people give you the ole side-eye? What do you do that makes people look at you funny? Do you have an eye that twitches a lot for no reason? Do you do funny voices for your own amusement? Do you skate everywhere on rollerblades? Is it intentional or something you can't do...
  8. Lynx

    A New Thread

    This is a new thread. A nice, pristine, shiny, new thread. Gee I hope it doesn't get overrun with people carrying their arguments all over the forum...
  9. Lynx

    Just Can't Trust Those Hellman's Snobs

    This thread is about the weirdest excuses you have ever seen people use for looking down on other people. To kick this thread off, I have made a new joke! Well... It's an observation, one that is really too true to be a joke. It's something that really does happen here in the South, but nobody...
  10. Lynx


    Jim Gaffigan once said: What is your McDonald's? What do you do, that you always regret, but you know you'll do it again later? Energy drinks? Bad romantic relationship? Something you're allergic to, but eat anyway? The latest Netflix series, that you know won't be good, but you watch...
  11. Lynx

    Pick Up Da Phone!

    Just curious: How many would answer the phone these days? With robocalls, scams, and all your real friends texting or facebook/snapchat/whatsapp/etc contacting you, who actually takes a phone call anymore? If I called you right now, would you answer?
  12. Lynx

    In Case Of Outage...

    What do y'all do when the forum is down? The time that you would have spent on the forum, where do you spend it instead? Me, I have the forum up on a side screen and keep up with it while I'm playing a video game. And listening to a YouTube stand-up comedy routine. And dealing with whatever...
  13. Lynx

    Here Lies Me

    It's gonna happen to everyone someday. When it happens to you, what do you want your friends and family to do? Funeral? Memorial service? Irish wake? Plant a tree in your name?
  14. Lynx

    Hello Neighbor!

    How about it? What if your next door neighbor was homosexual, and needed a ride to a hospital... Oh, say, 50 minutes away. Let's pretend you were free that day, as unlikely as that may be with family, job and all. Would you take him? Under what circumstances? If your choice isn't in the poll...
  15. Lynx

    Have a heart!

    Someone at w*rk today was playing a country song: I've got a heart like a truck It's been dragged through the mud I said, "Hmm... A heart like a truck... It's a bit battered, got a few dents in it. I've been letting maintenance slide for a few years and it runs a little rough. But it still gets...
  16. Lynx

    Christmas Sunday

    I'll get right down to it: Y'all going to church on Christmas day? It seems a bit churlish, right? "Sorry God, we can't come visit you today. We're celebrating your birthday at our house." But when the whole family is gathering at Mom and Dad's for Christmas... What'cha gonna do? That...
  17. Lynx

    Your Superpower

    That sounded like such a good thread idea that I promptly decided to steal it. So what is your superpower?
  18. Lynx

    If I had the money / Tell you what I'd do...

    ..."I'd go downtown And buy a Mercury or two" Sorry Alan, but my tastes run a bit different. :P What would you do if you had the money for it? Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy a lot of other stuff. What is the one thing it CAN buy that you would get if you could? An Alaska cruise...
  19. Lynx

    License Please

    You need a license to drive a car. This is physical proof that somewhere someone thought you were able to operate one safely. You need a gun license (in some areas) for the same reason. You need a ham radio license so the radio community can rest fairly easy that the airwaves will not be...
  20. Lynx

    Coffee shop/bakery name

    JohnDB needs a name for his shop. It will be selling coffee, baked goods and other assorted comestibles. He was talking about chicken, so he may be running a lunch bar on the side. He can explain it when he comes in. I'm just getting the thread started. What's a good name for it? It has to...