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  1. 1

    How Can One Pick Up on Red Flag Levels of Addiction/Mental Illness, Especially Online?

    Wouldn't it be cool if you and GaryA lived in the same town?!. Like East Palestine? I'd totally watch that movie.
  2. 1

    Never saw anything but it was cloudy last night and again tonight. I forgot about it and...

    Never saw anything but it was cloudy last night and again tonight. I forgot about it and didn't look friday.
  3. 1

    Man or bear?

    King of you to think that, Boo Boo.
  4. 1

    Man or bear?

    The guy wasn't acting very lady like.
  5. 1

    Man or bear?

    well, there's that.
  6. 1

    Just for fun. Rarely Seen Old Cars That Were Once Common.

    Gorgeous car. That's like a 58 Jag MKi? Not sure, but it was beautiful. There's a two door that are really rare.
  7. 1

    Man or bear?

    I believe I'd just dress up like Richar.......I mean Rachel Levine our deputy health secretary..... Everything would run FROM me. Matter of fact if me and bigfoot saw each other out in the woods and ran back and told somebody what we saw, neither one of us would be believed.
  8. 1

    (Potentially) Profound Thoughts

    That's correct.
  9. 1


    Still asking questions, I see. Your inquisitive nature has no boundary. Welcome @Ezrider
  10. 1

    Single, Never Married, Without Child

    I think the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom and, thus, conviction is the understanding of self. I think wisdom and understanding are harmonious, but not necessarily the same. Understanding is knowledge or education, awareness and ability, but wisdom is foresight or judgement and...
  11. 1

    A question for those who are or have been married

    This is like sooo Sbackersmom. She says "and it seems we have quite a few married peeps who post is singles now (which is cool! :cool:), " like "Not that there's anything wrong with that". And then you followed it up with ".....and also people whose spouses have passed away" like "and...
  12. 1

    How is Everyone Holding Up in the Winter Weather?

    I loved the Angela's Ashes clip. When I was a boy I lived for a time near an old man I befriended. He kind of looked like the headmaster in that clip. His house inside was a wreck. He lived alone and his house had papers and books all over the place. The house even smelled of paper. Thing...
  13. 1

    Would you date yourself?

    Would I date myself? C'mon people. I have my standards. But, I've done it! I like to go to nice restaurants. I like to sit down to a nicely dressed meal. Last time I did this it was at Christmastime and I got a perfect lamb cutlet in a garlic and mushroom covering with a side of asparagus...
  14. 1

    Well isn't this reassuring...

    Check out the gun shows sometime.....
  15. 1

    Do you think finding a spouse is more difficult now than in the past?

    And I ain't setting the bar all that high myself.
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    Give me bad advice...

    Just be yourself!! Hello darkness my old friend....
  17. 1

    If you were a Christmas object, what would you be?

    My dad was blessed with a lot of wonderful traits, but he couldn't cook. It was awful. So, we ate a lot of canned soup and grits and processed foods - things you couldn't screw up. Most people said grace before a meal. If my dad cooked, we said grace AFTER we ate.