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  1. DeanM

    refusing a mandatory vax is not sin

    Again. I believe no government agency or government funded " scientific " findings.
  2. DeanM

    refusing a mandatory vax is not sin

    I have no idea why anyone would take an untested drug.
  3. DeanM

    refusing a mandatory vax is not sin

    I dont believe any government orgaization.
  4. DeanM

    refusing a mandatory vax is not sin

    Al Gore made a pile of cash off his holiness.
  5. DeanM

    refusing a mandatory vax is not sin
  6. DeanM

    refusing a mandatory vax is not sin

    Wow! Your a hero!
  7. DeanM


    But imagine being reborn into this world without a virgin mother to tell you who you are Are you saying Christ is coming back as a newborn?
  8. DeanM

    ‘It’s about time’: Biden puts the screws on the unvaccinated

    Had to check. Thought i got kidnapped by facebook for a minute there.
  9. DeanM

    Extra-Biblical Revelation

    There is revelation at times from scripture. Then there are the " God told me " people that I find suspect at best.
  10. DeanM

    American Military Equipment From Afghanistan Spotted On Iranian Highway (Photos)

    Seems the distraction worked after all.
  11. DeanM

    American Military Equipment From Afghanistan Spotted On Iranian Highway (Photos)

    Whatever you say they are your distraction from the point is meaningless. BTW Arabia incompasses more than you think.
  12. DeanM

    American Military Equipment From Afghanistan Spotted On Iranian Highway (Photos)

    Arabs have been killing each other since biblical times. The US should have totally destroyed them or left them alone. Conventional military action was a waste of lives and money.
  13. DeanM

    refusing a mandatory vax is not sin

    Right. Get shot up with untested dope and hope it works. But if it doesnt? (which it doesnt) No worries. Uncle Joe has his boys cooking up new brew 24/7. I bet this one will work. Yeah. Common sense. By the look of things, it isnt that common.
  14. DeanM

    American Military Equipment From Afghanistan Spotted On Iranian Highway (Photos)

    Isnt that amazing? She just wont go away.
  15. DeanM

    refusing a mandatory vax is not sin

    Get the shot and then you wont have to worry. Or dont they work?
  16. DeanM

    refusing a mandatory vax is not sin

    God gave, some of us at least, common sense. Are illegals sinning when they cross the border? Its against the law.
  17. DeanM

    Today) Minnesota Court Overturns Murder Conviction Of Ex-Cop—Here’s How It Could Impact Derek Chauvin’s Case

    So will Australians come here to loot and burn or do it at home?
  18. DeanM

    ‘It’s about time’: Biden puts the screws on the unvaccinated

    Im stupid that way. Dont believe a thing the government or the news says either. Im hopeless.
  19. DeanM


    There will be a new "variant" once maybe twice a year. They have control and arnt going to give it up. Keep people afraid and box in small business so they fail and the governnent can step in and"save the day". Then watch all the free stuff dry up. Straight from the communist playbook.